The Marake Rogo site.

It belongs to the 11 sites identified by the survey conducted thanks to MAE.
Created in 2008, the gardening site was acquired by the community following the loan of 8 ha. Presently, the surface used covers 5 ha, and the number of users amounts to 80, 2/3 being women. The gardeners are members of the “Tachi Da Kanka’ group. The purchase of plots in the site is managed by the group’s General Assembly. They grow mainly lettuce (twice), cabbage (twice), potatoes, tomatoes, peppers. The whole production is self-consumed. Crops are often threatened by parasite attacks. Generally, parasites are grasshopper and insect larvae; gardeners use ash to repel them. Water catchment works consist in four wells (roughly 10m deep), which haven’t yet been successfully tapped. Water distribution is done Dankassari in buckets and hand sprinklers. The site has a wire-netting fence.  


Funded within the program ‘Progressing toward the Sustainable Development Goals in Dankassari villages’, it aims at:

  • Compliance with property legislation proved by official documents from the rural commune COFOB (Property Local Commission).
  • Water access, provision of pumping equipment, creation of a catchment - basin and of water storage and supply equipment for a new well.
  • Training course for male and female gardeners to strengthen their organizational and technical skills.
  • Support for inputs.
  • Periodic follow-up and supervision.

As part of the "Sustainable development in Dankassari" program, the site was equipped with a solar pump at the end of 2019 and three training sessions have taken place. The first session on processing and conserving produce took was held from January 21st to 23rd.The second training session on community life was held on January 25th and 26th.The third training session on marketing lasted three days and took place from November 30th to December 2nd 2020. Each session concerned 60 participants, 40 women and 20 men. The coach was the communal supervisor of Dankassari agriculture, together with a RAEDD representative.