Acting in concert with RAEDD, AECIN has submitted to the Hydrology and Sanitation Department Service and the rural communities’ mayors concerned, a project of improvement of access to water in the villages north of Dogondoutchi.
It consists in creating :
- Self-contained water point in Goriba village (Matankari commune), including a drill which, from solar energy, will supply a small water tank connected to two hydrants,
- A modern well in the village of Birboreo (Commune of Dogondiria),
- Training the water point users and managers?
The project is financed by the Loire-Bretagne Water Agency, Bretagne Region, Rennes Water Catchment Area, Niger State, AECIN’s resources, and the local population,
The provisional reception of the Goriba autonomous water point took place on December 31st, 2018 and the Water Public Service Users’ Association were trained on February 12th, 13th, 14th 2109?
The Birbiro well is being bored.
In 2020, two wells were rehabilitated in the villages of Woutchia (Commune of Dogonkiria) and Koufa (Commune of Matankari).
In 2021 and 2022, two cemented wells were constructed in the villages of Garin Ganda and Garin Hanouna, in the commune of Dogondoutchi, along with latrine blocks in the colleges of Issakitchi (commune of Dogonkiria), Doubalma (commune of Soucoucoutane) and Salga (commune of Matankari). These constructions were accompanied by user training sessions, and a management committee was formed for each cemented well. This project was co-financed by AELB, CEBR, Rennes Métropole, and the Brittany Region.
In 2023, a project to modernize water access in Bagagi (commune of Matankari) with the renovation of drinking water supply system, as well as the construction of latrines and showers for health facilities in Bagagi, Caren Roumbouki (commune of Matankari) and the Matankari agglomeration, was realized thanks to the maintained funding requested to AELB despite the restrictions caused by the suspensions of aid following the July 2023 coup d’état, as well as the already granted CEBR funding.
This hydraulique project also includes the construction of a mini-drinking water supply system (mini-AEP) in Zagone, which is funded by the Nigérien State.