The matrons are women who help with deliveries. They are trusted by the population, including women. Most of the time, they haven’t been trained at all.
Training matrons is a public health priority
In Niger, the health of women and children is of great concern. Many women continue to die in childbirth.
Our survey on health cabins in the Dogon Doutchi area revealed that the training of matrons is a priority for both health.prefessionals and population.
Aims of the training
This training will help combat maternal and child mortality, so that matrons know how to detect high-risk pregnancies and deliveries going wrong.
Through training on contraception, they will be able to inform women of modern methods of controlling birth..
Organization of training
Two-week training sessions are organized in Dogondooutchi. On completing her training, each matron is given a kit including equipment (wood case, towel, storm lantern, torch, thread, kettle, mat, bucket, draw sheet) and consumables (gloves, razor blades, thread, soap, antiseptics, cotton wool, compresses, betadine (1 bottle) , argyrol.
In total, 73 matrons have been trained from 2008 to 2012.
An assessment of our Matron Training Scheme was published in our booklet ‘Life Giving in Niger’ on May 13th 2012.
It happened that in some villages old matrons had been replaced by younger ones who had never benefited from any training.
A further two-week training session took place for ten matrons of Dankassari in december 2017 and another, also for ten matrons of Dankassari, in July 2020. The twenty matrons were also fitted out with kits
Twenty new matrons were trained in Dankassari, in October 2021 and July 2022. They asked to be equipped with a professional gown, which is yellow in color.
Providing carts and oxen.
Some of the matrons have an ox-drawn cart, allowing them to evacuate patients particularly in case of difficult deliveries; it also improves their income.
The action was initiated by the Decentralised Cesson-Dankassari Cooperation..
Thirty-nine matrons were also similarly equipped from 2011 to 2020 (mostly thanks to the matrons themselves repaying the carts.)