Precarious health situation

One in two Nigeriens does not have access to medical care due to the high cost of treatment and the lack of equipment. In 2014, there were 5 doctors per 100 000 inhabitants. Over 45% of the population lived under the poverty line in 2014

Health of woman and child

Mothers’ death rate was 509 deaths for 100,000 births (in 2017) and children’s death rate was 80 for 1000 (in 2018). In 2016, 31% of children were underweight.

Regional disparities

There are 5 doctors per 100 000 inhabitants. This ratio is below African average and amongst the lowest in the world. On top of that there is a large disparity between the urban areas which have better access to treatments and the rural areas (84 % of the Nigerien population).

Insufficient budget

The amount allocated to healthcare in the State budget is too restricted ; the health budget comparative share in the national budget reaches 7,2% in 2015, while WHO advises 10%,
The government has set up a plan to fight against poverty, this plan has a limited impact due to lack of resources.

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