The Dogondoutchi department is located in the Dosso area, in South Niger. It corresponds to the Arewa region.
Its area covers 11,936 square kilometers, its capital is Dogondoutchi.
The territory is divided into:
- An urban community: Dogondoutchi.
- Nine rural communities: Dankassari, Dogonkiria, Doumega, Guéchémé, Kiéché, Koré, Maïroua, Matankari, Soucoucoutane, Tibiri (Doutchi).
Its population was estimated at 682,289 inhabitants in 2011.
Most of Tarbiyya Tatali’s actions are carried out within the departement.
A population of farmers.
The population of the region consists mainly of sedentary farmers, with also a few Tuaregs and Peuls (Fulahs) who herd cattle. Millet, sorghum, beans and peanuts are grown by hoeing.
A worrying evolution.
Rain is scarce, and fertile land is scant for the growing population, moreover overfarming has depleted the soil. Firewood collection has accelerated desertification. 140 years ago, Barth, the German explorer, described the region as “covered with dense forest, scattered with cultivated areas”, and old people have kept the memory of that dense forest with its wildlife. Arewa is now a dry savannah, with here and there a few tall trees. Young men often have to emigrate to the coast or the cities, either seasonally or permanently, to earn a living.
Active community associations.
A great many associations take action in the area, dealing with refuse collection, sewage system in town in Dogondoutchi, reforestation and water saving projects in the countryside, not forgetting Tarbiyya Tatali’s numerous actions.
A remarkable history and culture.
The distinctive features of the history and culture of Arewa are its resistance to oppression, tolerance and a balance of power between men and women. The historical center of Arewa is the Lougou village, Saraouniya’s residence.