Within the decentralised Cesson-Dankassari cooperation, a project of access to water all over the Dankassari rural commune has been implemented, thanks to funding from Cesson under the Oudin-Santini law and with many partners (Niger, French Foreign Affairs Ministry, Loire-Brittany Water Agency, Bassin Rennais Water Agency. The State of Niger implements the installation of new equipment, such as mini- AEP’s or wells.
Financial provision gathered in France allow for maintenance of existing equipment : mini drinking water canalization, well drilling. A training plan included within the Hydrolic Action Plan is included in the renovation.
For every well or drilling, a Waterhole Management comittee is created, with previous members’ training.

Early in 2014, a training program involved 35 CGPE of 5 persons, always including 2 women. During 4-day sessions, the current law, the principles of good management of water points, and the tools to be implemented were exposed. The same program was carried out with 20 new CGPEG’s early in 2015, 30 more in 2016. Moreover, in 2018, training sessions for 170 hygene agents, 85 treasurers. Early in 2020, 24 new hygeneists were trained.

Moreover, early in 2020, simultanuously to the installation of rehabilitation of mini AEP autonomous water-points, 60 members of Water Public Service Users Associations were trained.
Other people are trained, such as two village repairers, per village where CGPE’s have been trained in June, 5 groups of 22 village repairers , then early in 2017 three groups of 20 village repairers, and finally 72 repairers in 2019-early 2020. Each repairer receives a tool kit.
At Goriba (Matankari district) and at Birbiro (Dogonkiria ), AUSPE and CGPE have also been trained.

At the beginning of 2022, in Dankassari, a three-day training for 90 members of CGPE or AUSPE took place, in three groups of 30 people. A week-long training was held for five professional repairers who were provided with tools and come to repair the boreholes at the request of the CGPEs.